AWS Regions
AWS Regions are independent service deployments across strategic global locations, each offering complete infrastructure and services while maintaining data residency and ensuring consistent low-latency access
Global Region Distribution
Each AWS Region is a separate geographic area that consists of multiple isolated data centers. Regions are strategically positioned worldwide to provide comprehensive coverage, low latency, and compliance with local regulations.
Geography | Region | Location | AZ Count |
Africa | af-south-1 Africa (Cape Town) | Cape Town | 3 |
Asia Pacific | ap-east-1 Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) | Hong Kong | 3 |
Asia Pacific | ap-northeast-1 Asia Pacific (Tokyo) | Tokyo | 3 |
Asia Pacific | ap-northeast-2 Asia Pacific (Seoul) | Seoul | 4 |
Asia Pacific | ap-northeast-3 Asia Pacific (Osaka) | Osaka | 3 |
Asia Pacific | ap-south-1 Asia Pacific (Mumbai) | Mumbai | 3 |
Asia Pacific | ap-south-2 Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) | Hyderabad | 3 |
Asia Pacific | ap-southeast-1 Asia Pacific (Singapore) | Singapore | 3 |
Asia Pacific | ap-southeast-2 Asia Pacific (Sydney) | Sydney | 3 |
Asia Pacific | ap-southeast-3 Asia Pacific (Jakarta) | Jakarta | 3 |
Asia Pacific | ap-southeast-4 Asia Pacific (Melbourne) | Melbourne | 3 |
Asia Pacific | ap-southeast-5 Asia Pacific (Malaysia) | Malaysia | 3 |
Asia Pacific | ap-southeast-7 Asia Pacific (Thailand) | Thailand | 3 |
Canada | ca-central-1 Canada (Central) | Central | 3 |
Canada West | ca-west-1 Canada West (Calgary) | Calgary | 3 |
Europe | eu-central-1 Europe (Frankfurt) | Frankfurt | 3 |
Europe | eu-central-2 Europe (Zurich) | Zurich | 3 |
Europe | eu-north-1 Europe (Stockholm) | Stockholm | 3 |
Europe | eu-south-1 Europe (Milan) | Milan | 3 |
Europe | eu-south-2 Europe (Spain) | Spain | 3 |
Europe | eu-west-1 Europe (Ireland) | Ireland | 3 |
Europe | eu-west-2 Europe (London) | London | 3 |
Europe | eu-west-3 Europe (Paris) | Paris | 3 |
Israel | il-central-1 Israel (Tel Aviv) | Tel Aviv | 3 |
Mexico | mx-central-1 Mexico (Central) | Central | 3 |
Middle East | me-central-1 Middle East (UAE) | UAE | 3 |
Middle East | me-south-1 Middle East (Bahrain) | Bahrain | 3 |
South America | sa-east-1 South America (Sao Paulo) | Sao Paulo | 3 |
US East | us-east-1 US East (N. Virginia) | N. Virginia | 6 |
US East | us-east-2 US East (Ohio) | Ohio | 3 |
US West | us-west-1 US West (N. California) | N. California | 2 |
US West | us-west-2 US West (Oregon) | Oregon | 4 |